I have had the pleasure of knowing Johsel for many years, introduced by mutual friends in 1970. We immediately hit it off, and soon began photographing together on occasional field trips. We became lifelong friends, and recently we have become working partners in the publishing and the exhibition of his magnificent photographs.
For many years after retiring Johsel produced analogue prints in my darkroom. Although he has always used film for image capture, since 2006 we have made his prints using digital technology. We begin by scanning his images from 4 x 5 and 8 x 10 inch color negatives with a high resolution drum scanner. We then work together to color correct and fine tune each image to his satisfaction. The result is that we now have “digital master files” of his most important images, making it possible to produce prints that are larger, and superior in every way to his analog prints of yesterday.
[/one_half] [one_half]I realized from the beginning of our relationship that Johsel has a vision of Nature that is unique. Thanks to his training in music from an early age, coupled with his love of Nature, Johsel has always had the ability to see music in Nature, music that most of us would simply not recognize. What might seem ordinary to us may become a visual symphony to him, and he has the ability to capture that visual symphony and play it back for us via his magnificent prints.
For more than fifty years Johsel’s work has been an inspiration for a countless number of photographers, and art lovers. With the publication of this retrospective of his life in photography we know that his work will continue to inspire many future generations. I am honored to have played a small part in his journey.
— Dick Busher, Publisher
Cosgrove Editions